Looking forIdeas?
Check out our recipes!
Our database of over 200 recipes will give you plenty of ideas of ways to spice up your home cooking with healthy Epicurean brand products! Check out our Recipes Showcase to see a quick view of some of our most recent recipes or see our list of All Recipes with shareable recipe pages.
Want to know how to use olive oil in your favorite dishes? Take a look at our Oil Substitution chart to see how to replace butter, margarine, and other cooking oils in recipes. If you're interested in pairing balsamic vinegar with extra virgin olive oil, see our expansive Pairings chart to see which pairings we recommend.
Got a favorite recipe you think we should know about? Send it to us on our Submit Recipe page!

Murfreesboro's favorite gourmet food store

We'd love to hear from you!

Epicurean Olive Oil Co., LLC has
closed our Avenue location.
We are now providing our fine
products at the following locations:
Painted Tree MarketPlace
The Oaks Shopping Center
552 North Thompson Lane
Murfreesboro, TN 37129
Painted Tree MarketPlace
Williamson Square
1113 Murfreesboro Road
Franklin, TN 37064
Painted Tree MarketPlace
9607 Kingston Pike
Knoxville, TN 37922
Thanks for your continuing support.